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Looking for writers/press/media

You love music and to write about it? You have a website, a blog, a great Instagram Account or maybe a lot of Twitter-Followers or a YouTube Channel?

And above all that you want to share your love for Japanese and/or Korean music with the whole world?

If your answer is yes - be our guest!

We are looking for people who would like to send us reviews or live reports, who would write about our releases (new and old ones!) on their websites or just share it in different Facebook groups!

As you know the influence of J-Rock, VK etc. had been on the decline for quite a while, but our fans have never been ones to give up! And that is exactly why we want to join forces with you to once more show the world how great Japanese and Korean Bands are!

If you would like to help us, just drop us a message on any of our channels and let us know! Tell us who you are, what you do, what you like and give us a chance to get to know you!

We are looking forward to spreading the word again with you guys!

Oh and of course - the same goes for our Sister-label K-Star Records!!! So if you love K-Pop, let us know!

AND - of course, but we will say it again - if you have ideas on bands, promotion etc.etc. let us know! We are in this together with you and we want to make the best out of it - with you.

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