We sure hope you had some great last days of the year 2017!
Time has been running - actually we can't really believe that this year is over already. So many changes
and challenges and good and bad experiences we have encountered this year, but we are thankful for
all of them. And the most thankful we are to have you guys still with us, here, by our side! So before we
continue babbling: THANK YOU!!!
We have a million wishes and plans and ideas for the next year and we will see which ones will work out
and which won't - the same goes for you, right? Whatever you are planning on going for in 2018,
we wish you all the luck, strength and determination to achieve your dreams!!
As for us - we hope to make 2018 a bit more spectacular - will it work? We'll see!
Please stay with us through 2018 as well and help us to create something beautiful again!
And now - let's open the sparkling wine, put on some dance music and celebrate the old and
the new!